As many of you might remember, a year ago in April the Warden embarked on a strategy to rebuild our house. And I must admit the improvements have generally been good improvements to our living quarters and lifestyle. However certain projects have been put aside as more pressing projects have taken the forefront.
Sometime in the midst of our kitchen remodel, the vent in the hood over the stove stopped working. At the time I told the Warden, "I'll check it out when we get time." Each time the Warden would cook for family or company this past year, she would reference the fact that the vent wasn't working. And each time I proclaimed, "I'll check it out when we get time."
Well this past week the Warden said she was headed to Wichita to look at new range hoods. That sure seemed like a waste of money to me to buy a NEW range hood, so I assured her that I would look into it before she would have to buy one ...... and Saturday I did just that.
The removing of the ailing motor took approximately 15-20 minutes. I then made a fast trip to Wichita to buy said motor. I retuned to reinstall said motor which took about another 15 minutes. I stepped back in pride to observe my handiwork and turned on the switch. The purr of the new motor was reference to man's dominion over his kingdom.
I smiled at the Warden.
"You're done?" was her astonished response.
"Yeah, nothing to it" I said, wanting to beat my chest and give the Tarzan yodel.
She just stood there looking at me, hands on hips.
"Is something wrong?" I inquired.
"I have been waiting for a year with no stove vent and it only took 30 minutes to actually FIX the thing?" she said. More of a statement than an inquiry and with that she turned and headed out of the kitchen.
I swear, there is just no pleasing that woman.